Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

I can hardly believe it's almost 2015! My goodness!! We'll be eating takeout pizza for supper this evening and will watch the ball drop at midnight. I'm looking forward to the new year and hoping and praying that it'll be a good one.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Week After Christmas

The week after Christmas seems like a time of "mourning" for me. I don't know...I guess all of the hype and excitement leading up to the big day is enough to cause one to 'crash' into melancholia after it all ends. Perhaps it's just me? I know the true meaning of Christmas gets lost in all of the commercialism. It leaves me scratching my head. I was watching YouTube videos this week and a great number of them were uploaded from young people entitled "What I Got For Christmas" or "My Christmas Haul". All of these videos are prefaced with the disclaimer that they're not trying to brag, but of course they are....But, honestly - don't we all contribute to this kind of mentality? We live in one of the richest nations on Earth and let's face it, our kids are spoiled. Mine too. I thank the Lord for the blessing of having been born in the US, but then I think of those in other parts of the world who are much less fortunate than we are and I'm quite ashamed. I don't know where this diatribe is leading. Just a few thoughts I've been having for a few days now...

I'm currently reading these books:

This is the second book written by Shelley Shepard Gray that I've read and I'd highly recommend her books. They're sweet, clean romances and I just adore her writing.

Yesterday, it was a gorgeous sunny day. I spent a while, jacket-free, on my front porch swing reading.

My son and his family are now in town. I haven't seen them in 8 months and I treasured the time we got to spend together today. My 3 grandkids are growing so fast.

Closing this post with a verse my pastor focused on in this morning's sermon:

I Peter 5:8 (KJV) - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

I haven't been much into the "Christmas spirit" this holiday season, which is unusual for me. Nonetheless, it is a day that lightens my spirits and makes me feel a little more joyful than most other days. Today was no exception. My daughter opened her presents on Christmas Eve. Here is a little bit of what she received.

She loves the Frozen movie and all of the songs in it, so we thought we'd get her the Frozen songbook so she could learn how to play the songs on her guitar and keyboard. She also loves Marvel Comics, hence the Captain American Vinyl Pop-Up.

We all met up at mom's house for lunch - turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, homemade macaroni and cheese, green beans, chocolate fudge and watergate salad.

Tomorrow we begin the last week of 2014. It's hard to believe it's almost 2015.

Our gas has now below $2.00/gallon. I didn't think I'd ever see that again.

My daughter and I painted our nails last night with Christmas-y colors. Just for fun...

Happy Birthday, Jesus. Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Owl Collection

I love owls. I loved them even before this current 'owl craze' started. They're such unique creatures...and their piercing eyes...

I love how they have such personalities too. I have a little owl collection.

My daughter bought me this owl for Christmas this year. She went ahead and gave it to me.

Just a little glimpse at a candle I purchased last year and just started burning. It's an Air Wick silhouette candle. It lights up and changes colors as it burns. I really love it.

I went to church this morning, then rode up to my mom's house where she had made a chicken casserole, mashed potatoes, beans and tea. I'm making a light supper now and will read a little tonight.

Thought for the day:

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Tree Ornaments and Library Books

For the past 2 years, we've had a white Christmas tree with pre-lit lights. It's pretty. I put a lot of pink-ish ornaments on it. Here are a few of my ornaments:

Rudolph and Clarice are watching over the presents under the tree.

I went to the library this week. I have so many books at my house that I haven't read yet, so I really don't need to go to the library, but alas, it's one of my favorite places. I love to read. Here is the bag I use to carry my library books in.

And here are some of the books I've checked out recently.

I'm currently reading these 2 books.

Reading helps me to "escape". I've read over 100 books thus far this year and I still have a few weeks to go. I really don't understand people who say that don't like to read. I can understand not having the time to, but not liking to read....? Haha.

My daughter purchased these "bedroom boots" at Hot Topic (her favorite store) recently for 1/2 off. She loves Ariel. I think they're really cute.

Well, I have a lot to do today around the house. Hopefully, I can muster up the energy to get it all done.

An interesting quote I came across today:

Beware the barrenness of a busy life. -Socrates

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sadness and Depression

I've always been a "wallflower". Ever since I was a little girl, I've been referred to as timid, shy, withdrawn, introverted.....I remember at the age of 4, one Sunday after the church service was over, I was the last person left in my Sunday School classroom. I recall becoming so riddled with panic and anxiety that I nearly made myself sick crying. The teacher stood out in the hall with me as I waited for my mother to come and pick me up. Growing up was painful as a "wallflower". Society makes it painful because children are labeled and are made to think that there is something wrong with not standing out in the crowd. There simply isn't anything wrong with wanting to stand on the sidelines and be an observer. One can learn an awful lot keeping his mouth shut and his eyes and ears open. Some of the most creative people are wallflowers. Sadly, wallflowers also have a tendency toward depression. It is lonely sometimes and the stigma is painful. I went through some pretty rough patches of depression growing up. These last few years I have suffered from severe depression, which is why I've been absent from blogging.

I'm thankful I'm a Christian, though many times, I've felt abandoned by Him over the last few years. I know I have many prayer warriors who have covered me (and continue to cover me) with their prayers. Sometimes, when one is sad and depressed, it's hard to even conjure up the energy to pray. I'm trusting that He will take care of me...He has thus far, after all.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Blogging Again...

Wow, has it been 3 years since my last post?! Honestly, it's been rough going (and this is quite the understatement) since I last posted. I simply haven't had the inclination or the energy. I want to continue now as I do recall how it gave me some sense of accomplishment and happiness.

I now have 3 grandchildren and, along with my own children, they're the loves of my life. Of course, my husband is a given there. :)

Here's a puzzle I completed not too long ago:

I used to do so many jigsaw puzzles, but lately, I've been in quite the slump. I've still got quite a few waiting for me once I can get back into the 'jigsaw swing'.

Here is my grandson on his 2nd birthday this year:

I wish they lived closer to me. But their daddy is in the military, so no such luck. My granddaughter is getting to be a big girl too:

Our new grandson was born in April this year. His name is Christian:

Here he is with big brother, Caleb.

My daughter, Lord willing, will be graduating from high school in 2015. She has a part-time job now and I'm so proud of her. Here she is with one of her nieces. They found a turtle while we out for a walk one sunny day.

Well, it's the middle of the night. I'm tired, but can't seem to sleep. Worry has led to an insomnia-laden life. My doctor has prescribed multiple sleeping pills. Some work and others don't. I've built up such a tolerance, it's hard to find one the works. Of course, they're controlled substances, so the doctor is unwilling to keep me on them for too long. So the sleepless cycle goes on. I'm sure, over time, all will settle down and that much-needed sleep will return.

A random parting message for now: