Friday, September 16, 2011

It is getting cooler out. A few leaves have fallen and lay scattered in our yard. I'm thinking about pumpkins, corn mazes, fall foliage and the like. Autumn is coming. I'm grateful. It's been a very hot summer and I welcome some cooler temperatures. Oh, it's so beautiful here in Virginia when the leaves start changing colors!! My mom has the most magnificent maple tree in her front yard that lights up in the fall with glorious and vivid colors! I'm hoping to get a good picture of it this year. She's actually had people stop by her house and tell her what a lovely tree it is.

Above is a 500-piece puzzle I completed this week called "The Lighthouse Keeper". I'm contemplating which puzzle to start next. You either love jigsaw puzzles or you hate them. I know it aggravates some people, but I think they're addicting. Haha. And I just love seeing the picture, once complete.

Thought for the day:

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another. -Charles Dickens

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11/01 - 10 Years Later

I completed this 500-piece jigsaw puzzle this week. I guess it was my way of paying homage to those dear souls who lost their lives on that fateful Tuesday morning 10 years ago.

When I woke up this morning and looked out of my bedroom window, the sky was a glorious blue, and the sun was shining bright - just as it was on 9/11/01. I can remember driving home from work that day. It was all so surreal. My heart was so burdened for the families and friends of those who had perished. ...and for what? The lengths that the hijackers went to to murder people they didn't even this day, it's unfathomable. Truly, I know the source of the hatred is supernaturally-driven.

I've watched some segments of various 9/11 documentaries this weekend. It's hard to re-live that day. I've heard the "We will never forget" mantra all week. But we didn't take America long to push the dreadful memories back into the recesses of their minds, only to focus on reality TV, celebrity worship, political correctness and the like. This is what we have become.

"God Bless America"...but why? Why do we deserve the blessings of God? The slaughter of the unborn continues. Deviant, sinful lifestyles are applauded. Giving God Almighty the credit for His magnificent creation is ridiculed. Churches are embracing a social gospel instead of the Gospel of the saving grace of God because of the shed blood of Jesus. Our pulpits and government officials are increasingly corrupt and inept. There is little sanctity for human life. Humanist organizations stand ready to fight any reference to God in the public square - be it a graduation prayer, a nativity scene or Intelligent Design. No, America does not deserve the blessings of God. We deserve his judgement, but I implore Him in my prayers for His mercy.

I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever. - Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, September 10, 2011

High School Football Games

Well, it's marching band season. This means I have to attend a lot of HS football games. My daughter is in the marching band and they're required to attend, of course. I enjoy it though. Her school is relatively small compared to most other public schools. I love the friendly, small-town atmosphere. And everyone loves the concession food, right? Hotdogs, nachos, popcorn, candy and soda....

At last night's game, the football players honored a former student who had died serving our country in this ongoing war. I have to say I got pretty emotional and had a hard time maintaining my composure while the band was playing The Star Spangled Banner.

I talked to my son this morning and they're doing well settling in at the base. I could hear my granddaughter in the background laying on her tricycle horn. Boy, do I miss them!

Gotta run to the grocery store and finish some shores around the house today. Hubby got up early this morning to mow our yard. I love the look of a freshly-mowed yard. :)

Thought for the day:

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. -Benjamin Franklin

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day 2011

I always get a kick out of saying "Happy Labor Day". Just seems like an odd thing to say. But today's terrible economic climate, it does make me happy and most grateful to God for my job. I realize there are many, many hurting and struggling families out there. I pray that I never forget the source of my blessings and that I do whatever is in my power to ease the burdens of someone else.

I stayed up late last night to do this 150-piece Disney puzzle. I just love the Disney characters, especially Winnie the Pooh. :) My daughter and I went to see the Pooh movie last week at the local dollar theatre. It was really cute. Admittedly, I didn't want to pay full price for a Pooh movie, so I waited until it came to the dollar theatre. Truthfully, there aren't many movies that I would want to pay full price for....

Above are 3 magazines I love to read. The pictures are phenomenal and the stories are inspirational.

I am still reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. It's a great read!!

Here is a t-shirt I bought my daughter prior to school starting...haha. Isn't it comical?

My sweet, sweet daughter...I love you!

Talked to my son a little bit ago. His wife's parents came for a visit this past weekend, so they had a fun-filled few days.

I was listening to a sermon this morning on the radio and the preacher stated this: "The Christian Army is the only one where they shoot the wounded". Sadly, this is true. It's been my experience that those who profess Christianity the loudest are often the cruelest and most critical of people. This has been weighing on my heart lately. Those who belong to Christ are brothers and sisters. We should act like family. Never would I treat any of blood brothers and sisters, purposely, in a hurtful or vindictive way. Surely, our siblings in the LORD deserve that same kind of respect and treatment. The time is short. May He help us (me) to treat others the way that we ourselves want to be treated.

In His Love,
