When I woke up this morning and looked out of my bedroom window, the sky was a glorious blue, and the sun was shining bright - just as it was on 9/11/01. I can remember driving home from work that day. It was all so surreal. My heart was so burdened for the families and friends of those who had perished. ...and for what? The lengths that the hijackers went to to murder people they didn't even know...to this day, it's unfathomable. Truly, I know the source of the hatred is supernaturally-driven.
I've watched some segments of various 9/11 documentaries this weekend. It's hard to re-live that day. I've heard the "We will never forget" mantra all week. But we will...it didn't take America long to push the dreadful memories back into the recesses of their minds, only to focus on reality TV, celebrity worship, political correctness and the like. This is what we have become.
"God Bless America"...but why? Why do we deserve the blessings of God? The slaughter of the unborn continues. Deviant, sinful lifestyles are applauded. Giving God Almighty the credit for His magnificent creation is ridiculed. Churches are embracing a social gospel instead of the Gospel of the saving grace of God because of the shed blood of Jesus. Our pulpits and government officials are increasingly corrupt and inept. There is little sanctity for human life. Humanist organizations stand ready to fight any reference to God in the public square - be it a graduation prayer, a nativity scene or Intelligent Design. No, America does not deserve the blessings of God. We deserve his judgement, but I implore Him in my prayers for His mercy.
I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever. - Thomas Jefferson
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