Here is a 750-piece Serendipity puzzle, entitled "Fresh Catch", that I just completed. It is missing 1 piece. I get so irritated when I work a new puzzle, only to discover that it's missing piece(s). Ugh! Well, it was fun to do anyway. Will start a Mary Engelbreit puzzle next.
There is a very old garage near where I live, still in operation, that has had this VW parked in the brush, at least as long as I've lived there, which is 7 years. I don't know - looks kind of whimsical to me, almost ornamental. I had a friend in high school who drove a light blue VW bug. It was fun to ride in. The newer ones are very cute. I can see myself in a periwinkle-colored bug. :) I remember playing "Punchbuggy, can't punch back" on roadtrips when I was younger. I suppose that's what you call the game? LOL! You see so few of these now, I guess it would be a boring game. Ha.
Well, it's rainy today, so not much to do outside. I did go for a short walk as it was sprinkling. Decided I had better stop before I catch a cold. Yuck. I hear the rain falling now on our tin roof. Sure makes one sleepy.
Autumn Blessings,