Why? I find myself asking God this question so often lately. No doubt He hears this word from His children more than any other.
I feel so exasperated these days, like I am devoid of peace. As a Child of God, this should not be. I pray for peace that passes understanding, but it somehow seems to elude me. I'm thinking that maybe I am a type of Martha when I should be a type of Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus and just listening to Him. I am so busy. We all are. There's so little time to listen and learn from Him. This causes me to be riddled with anxiety and stress. But I think about my life and what I have to do, my responsibilities, my multiple roles as wife, mom, employee, mother-in-law, sister, daughter, grandma....How can one avoid being a Martha in today's world?
The picture above depicts the "woman at the well". Now I'm not sure that she sat down and listened to Him talk about the Living Water that He offered. No doubt His knowledge of her past life and recognizing that He was the Messiah had her so giddy with excitement that she just couldn't wait to go and tell others Who she had met. But I like this picture nonetheless. Sometimes I imagine sitting with Jesus and talking to Him. Thing is, I can't imagine what He'd say to me. I can't imagine what He'd say to most of us. We have to be the saddest bunch of Christians in the church history. Indeed, the Church of Laodicea, which I believe represents today's church, is pathetic, lukewarm and in dire need of chastisement. We also, by and large, have our priorities out of order. The Great Commission seems to have gone by the wayside. The search for individual significance trumps the search for truth. We're purpose-driven and seeker-sensitive with a selfish me-mentality. Yes - I am guilty of some of this. Is it any wonder that we are in the pitiful state that we're in?
I am so glad that one day, I believe it to be sooner rather than later, born-again believers in Jesus will be snatched away and taken into His presence for eternity. I won't apologize for having an escapist attitude. What does this world have to offer me really? I am not of this world. No, I wouldn't advocate selling all of your possessions and waiting on a hilltop somewhere for His return. He will come like a thief in the night and we are to occupy until He does come. But I so look forward to it. Seeing my Savior face-to-face one day and cloaked with His robe of righteousness - it will be an amazing day.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.