Monday, December 19, 2011

Just a brief post on this late Monday night...I am looking forward to the upcoming long Christmas weekend. It's difficult to concentrate on my work when I have so much on the to-do list in my head.

Here is a picture of the display at the front of our church. There is represented here the 3 gifts from the magi to Jesus - gold, frankinscence and myrrh. As our pastor explained, the 3 wise men didn't reach Jesus probably until he was a toddler. Also, we assume there were only 3 because of the 3 gifts mentioned, but there could've been more.

I love reading the story of the birth of Jesus.

Here is my younger sister, holding up the "dirty santa" gift she made - a "hillbilly back scratcher". Ha! Humor is a good thing. :)


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Happy Christmas Season

It's the most wonderful time of the year....well, I do love this season. Everyone seems to be a little more jolly, a little more giving, a little more kind. I like to ponder on that first Christmas day so long ago. I've read that Jesus was likely born in the autumn instead of the winter. No matter though...Christmas serves as the day we commemorate His birth. I was dismayed to read this week an ugly discussion on the wall of one of my Facebook friends surrounding the pagan origins of Christmas (particularly the Christmas tree) and how Christians ought not to celebrate on this day. Here are my thoughts. One of my favorite parts of the story of the birth of my Savior in Luke 2 was when the angels appeared to the shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night. Scripture tells us that the angels told the shepherds to not be afraid because they were bringing them "good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people". Move on to Luke 2:13-14:

And suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

This sounds like a celebration to me! Because of the love of the Father for His creation, He provided a way for eternal salvation for fallen mankind. He gave us the ultimate gift in His only Son, Jesus Christ. This is cause for a celebration, even now!

As for the Christmas tree, I see it as nothing but a tree with pretty ornaments and twinkle lights. For the life of me, I don't understand why some people feel the need to judge their brothers and sisters in Christ over such inconsequential and harmless customs.

Yes indeed - Christmas has become overly commercialized. I, too, am guilty of getting caught up in the gift-giving and spending more money than I should. But I love this wonderful time of the year. It makes my heart feel lighter. It serves as a reminder of God's love for me. And even though it's not the real birthday of Jesus, and Jesus did not intruct us to celebrate His day of birth, I rejoice because it is the day He was born to save me. Like the angels and heavenly hosts who jubilantly proclaimed His birth 2 millennia ago, I also celebrate.

My daughter, my nephew and I went to the "Living Christmas Tree" at a nearby church. It's called this because it's constructed in such a way that the church choir sits in the tree. It has thousands of lights and is spectacular to see.

A part of the production was a play, which included Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus (pictured above). The baby was real. :)

Here is a replica of the three wisemen on display in the church lobby.

A few of my Christmas cards...

I have a few Christmas-themed books to read in my spare time.

Here are 4 mini puzzles I worked this week. Aren't the kitties cute?

Lastly, I made this hamburger hashbrown casserole for supper one day this week. It gets rave reviews from both my husband and my daughter, so it must be okay. Ha!

Christmas Thought:

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol



Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Visit to Tennessee

We just got back from the pretty state of Tennessee. We got to visit with our son and his family. I brought them their Christmas gifts as they will be bombarded when they come home for Christmas by other family members (particularly Kaylee).

The night before leaving VA, my daughter and I ate dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant. I ate a was huge (and very good).

Kaylee got this cute dollhouse as an early Christmas gift from her parents. I would've loved this when I was little. And yes, I even sat down and played with it for a bit.

Here is Kaylee opening up the Minnie Mouse "pillow pet" we bought her. She loves Mickey Mouse and his friends, especially Minnie.

Son is wore out after work. Poor guy.

Here is the ridiculously big hamburger my son got at Shoney's in Nashville. Too much of a good thing?

The nearly always happy Kaylee...She is such a good-tempered child.

We visited the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. Here are some of the beautiful stained-glass windows inside.

It almost has a church-like feel inside.

Here we are in front of the Ryman.

On the way home, we stopped by the home of President Andrew Jackson, The Hermitage. I absolutely loved this house. It was so cozy inside.

In stark contrast, here is the tiny slave cabin on the property.

Inside the slave's cabin at The Hermitage. I realize it was another era, and hindsight is 20/20, but I have a hard time wrapping my mind around how highly-intelligent men and women of that time could possibly be able to justify slave ownership.

Gravesite of Andrew Jackson and his family at The Hermitage. He had a most interesting life, including being orphaned by age 14, killing another man in a dual, and himself having a bullet lodged in his chest for more than 30 years. He and his wife, Rachel, had no biological children of their own, but adopted one child and they had many foster children.

Here is a beautiful carriage Jackson purchased. It's amazing how far we've come in such a short time.

In the museum at The Hermitage.

This was behind the house. I assume it was the dinner bell.

Here is my daughter with one of the house guides, dressed in period clothes.

I thoroughly enjoyed our visit to The Hermitage. I only wish it had not been so rainy and overcast while we were there.

Remembering those soldiers who perished and survived the attack on Pearl Harbor, 70 years ago today.

In His Love and Always In His Care,


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saying Goodbye

It's so hard to say goodbye. This is my sister with her only daughter. She and her hubby will be moving soon to a military base up north. We know they will be in God's caring hands, but it's still difficult knowing we probably won't be seeing them for a good while. My sister had a Christmas farewell party for them today.

They're both excited about their new adventure far away from home, but we will surely miss them. My mom already had to bid a grandson goodbye this year (my son) and now a granddaughter.

Jenny with her beloved grandma....

My prayer is that the LORD will keep them both safe and happy.

-Distance never separates two hearts that really care. For our memories span the miles and in seconds, we are there.

We put up our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving night. It's not a fancy tree, but twinkle lights can make just about any tree pretty to me.

I did a little Christmas shopping this weekend. Saw this box of blueberry cordials in Wal-Mart. Hmmm....honestly, the cherry cordials are better, but this is only my opinion. My husband agreed. They're good for a sugar fix though. :)

Hoping for a good week.

Romans 12:10 -Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love, in honor, preferring one another.



Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessings

I am truly blessed to overflowing this Thanksgiving 2011. I am not "rich" by worldly, western standards. But I realize that I do have so much more than most people in the world do. Just the basics that we (I) often take for granted are blessings that are not enjoyed by many others who inhabit planet Earth:

-A roof over my head
-Air Conditioning
-A clean bed to sleep in
-A pillow to rest my head on
-Warm blankets
-More clothes than can fit my dresser drawers and closets
-A great many pairs of shoes
-A job
-Clean, running water
-Indoor plumbing
-Reliable transportation
-Cabinets full of food
-Freedom of speech
-Freedom to worship without fear of persecution or imprisonment or worse
-A close-knit family

Indeed, this is only the tip of the iceberg. God has so abundantly blessed me and my family. I often wonder why He chooses to allow some to live so richly and others in poverty. But God's ways are not our ways. Jesus had a special place in his heart for the poor, and he admonished His followers to help those in need.

Growing up, I was one of six children. We didn't have a lot. I do remember those kind souls who secretly bought us kids Christmas gifts or brought food to us on occasion. It lifted my spirit, even as a little one. I enjoy doing for others when I am able to. Jesus sees even when we offer up a cup of cold water to someone who needs it.

I praise the LORD today for the many, many blessings He has bestowed upon me. I ask for forgiveness when I take those blessings for granted. And I ask that He allow me to be a blessing to someone else this holiday season.

Psalm 107:1 - Oh give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever.

Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. - Edward Sandford Martin

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I see I haven't posted in a month. I've been meaning to, but have just been too busy. I've been a little under the weather too. :( Our daughter-in-law and granddaughter came to visit a few weeks ago. Our son was in field training, so it was a perfect time for them to visit. We went to iHop and Kaylee thoroughly enjoyed the food. :)

She turned 2 years old in October and, while they were here, Kaylee got lots of birthday goodies.

I absolutely adore the fall. The colors this year were extraordinary. Just going for a ride is a lovely experience.

I took a trip to our local library a few weeks ago. I'm ashamed to say I haven't been there a long time. Came home with a stack of books. Finding the time to read them is tricky. I've already had to renew them. We can renew library books online now. Technology does have it's perks.

I do need to go to the library more. I have a tendency to buy books - and boy, do I have a lot of them! Books are expensive, so a trip to the library makes more sense. It is nice, however, to have your own little "library" at home. I wish my daughter was more into reading than she is. There are a ton of books around the house if she ever gets the notion. :) She loves music. We're always hearing her play her flute, piccolo, keyboard or her brother's trumpet. I'm okay with that. God created music for our enjoyment. I've no doubt it will be a major part of our existence in Heaven.

Last Sunday after church, we went for a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway here in Virginia. Sadly, we were about 2 weeks late from seeing the peak fall foliage, but nonetheless, it was still breathtakingly beautiful.

My pictures simply do not do these views justice.

Isn't it funny how dead leaves lying on the ground can be such a wonderful sight to behold?

Here is our daughter walking through the fallen leaves.

We even stopped at KFC on the way to the parkway so we could have a picnic. :) Loved it!

Perfect place for a picnic, no?

My lovely daughter standing in front of one of the glorious outlooks on the parkway.

Posing with daddy...

Encouragement for the day:

Proverbs 3:19-24 ~The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath He estalished the heavens.

By His knowledge, the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.

My son, let not them depart from thine eyes, keep sound wisdom and discreation:

So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck.

Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble.

When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and they sleep shall be sweet.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Rainy Autumn Day

Here is a 750-piece Serendipity puzzle, entitled "Fresh Catch", that I just completed. It is missing 1 piece. I get so irritated when I work a new puzzle, only to discover that it's missing piece(s). Ugh! Well, it was fun to do anyway. Will start a Mary Engelbreit puzzle next.

There is a very old garage near where I live, still in operation, that has had this VW parked in the brush, at least as long as I've lived there, which is 7 years. I don't know - looks kind of whimsical to me, almost ornamental. I had a friend in high school who drove a light blue VW bug. It was fun to ride in. The newer ones are very cute. I can see myself in a periwinkle-colored bug. :) I remember playing "Punchbuggy, can't punch back" on roadtrips when I was younger. I suppose that's what you call the game? LOL! You see so few of these now, I guess it would be a boring game. Ha.

Well, it's rainy today, so not much to do outside. I did go for a short walk as it was sprinkling. Decided I had better stop before I catch a cold. Yuck. I hear the rain falling now on our tin roof. Sure makes one sleepy.

Autumn Blessings,


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sugar Maple Tree on Fire

This sugar maple tree is in front of my mom's house. Isn't she beautiful?

I do so love this time of the year.

How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days. - John Burroughs

Friday, October 7, 2011

October Miscellaneous Post

October is a busy month for me. My husband, daughter and granddaughter all have birthdays this month! My daughter's marching band practices and competitions take up quite a bit of time in October. Luckily, I have this coming week off. Thank God for vacation days! I am hoping for a bit of R&R next week. We shall see.

Above is a recently-finished jigsaw puzzle called "Sunset Lighthouse". It was 500 pieces. I think it has the most beautiful vibrant colors.

Last month, we had "homecoming" at our church. We always have a big meal after the morning service. Here is hubby with his dessert. He loves hawaiian shirts. Ha.

This couple sang at our homecoming service.

I can't wait until our *true* homecoming. Maranatha, Lord Jesus!

My sweet daughter keeps me on my toes. I wish I could say she keeps me feeling young, but sadly, I *feel* older than I am these days.

Quote for the Day:

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird, I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. -George Eliot

Bible Verse to ponder:

Philippians 3:13,14 - For this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.