Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Several years ago, I developed a strong passion for Bible prophecy. It came upon me almost supernaturally and I now have an insatiable appetite for studying eschatology. I can fill up several shelves of a bookcase with the many books and videos I have accumulated over the years relating to the end times as foretold in Scripture. I believe fervently that we are the generation that Jesus stated would witness His return one day.
What is unbearable for me is how oblivious self-proclaimed Christians are of the season we're living in. Jesus stated that no man knows the day or the hour but we would recognize the season. I can only surmise that many of these Christians are in love with this world and the things of this world. Admittedly, I used to be. I was keenly aware of the prophecied rapture of the church, but I had a life to live. I had a family. I wanted to see my children grow, graduate from HS, from college, get married, start families of their own. I had a job I loved. I had my own little hobbies, places I wanted to visit and experiences yet to be realized. I wanted to write a novel. I desired to live a long and fulfilling life. But then I realized that no earthly experience could remotely relate to what God has in store for those who love Him. He said that Himself....eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has entered into the heart of man what God has in store for those who love Him. Wow! We cannot even begin to fathom, in our finite minds, what God has prepared for us. He's given us this beautiful earth to enjoy, even in our sinful state; just try to image, if you will, the glory that awaits us.
I no longer feel an attachment to my life here on earth. I've not lost my love for my family or my desire to live a happy and abundant life, and if the Lord tarries, I pray that He sees fit to bless me with such a life. But more and more I'm beginning to feel like I don't belong here. My true citizenship is in Heaven, where my Lord and Savior, Jesus, is.
Jesus is coming soon to take his bride home. Are you ready?
Maranatha, Lord Jesus!
Saturday, May 2, 2009